Thermodynamic Properties of the Titanium Chlorides

From a series of ten different experiments performed at this laboratory and from experiments reported elsewhere, the following thermodynamic properties have been obtained (ΔHf298 in kcal/mole and S°298 in cal/°C/mole): TiCl4(l), ΔHf298=—191.2; TiCl4(g), ΔHf298=—181.6; TiCl3(s), ΔHf298=—170.7, S°298 =34.4; TiCl3(g), ΔHf298=—128.7, S°298=74.9; TiCl2(s), ΔHf298=—120.6, S°298=24.7; TiCl2(g), ΔHf298 =—69.4, S°298=65.9. A theoretical value for S°298 of 56.1 was calculated for TiCl(g). Estimated values for the Cp of these compounds are also included.

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