Phosphomonoesterases in growth cartilages of the rat

Epiphyseal plate cartilage, epiphyseal cartilage, synchondroseal cartilage and mandibular condylar cartilage were studied morphologically and histochemically in 14 days old rats. Ordinary decalcified paraffin sections were stained with hematoxylin & eosin, van Giesons connective tissue stain, or toluidine blue, and used for morphological studies of the different cartilaginous structures. Undecalcified cryostat sections were used for demonstration of acid and alkaline phosphatase. The enzyme activity was tested for at regular intervals during incubation from 15 sec to 120 min. The morphologic study revealed that a marked similarity of construction exists between epiphyseal plate cartilage and synchrondroseal cartilage. The construction of epiphyseal and condylar cartilage differ from that of the other two structures and also differ mutually. With small variations the reaction for both alkaline and acid phosphatase was found to be identical in the zones of erosion, hypertrophy and maturation of the four structures. Intercellularly, acid phosphatase is present in all zones in the synchondroseal and the epiphyseal plate cartilage, while in the epiphyseal and condylar cartilages it is only present in the zones of erosion, hypertrophy and maturation. The identical reaction for acid phosphatase in the epiphyseal and the condylar cartilage is thought, in all likelihood, to be accidental. When kinetic conditions are taken into account, epiphyseal cartilage seems to react like epiphyseal plate and synchondroseal cartilage, while the condylar cartilage takes up an exceptional position among growth cartilages.