Localization of Substance P in Neuronal Pathways

The main neuronal systems containing substance P are summarized on the basis of immunohistochemical evidence. The substance P striatonigral projection is one of the most conspicuous of these. Electron microscopic studies using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique reveal some heterogeneity in the substance P-immunostained material in the substantia nigra. Immunoreactivity for the peptide is found in terminals establishing both symmetrical and asymmetrical synapses with substantia nigra dendrites. Substance P immunoreactivity in the substantia gelatinosa of the trigeminal nerve and in the skin of the trigeminal territory was found to be depleted after sensory denervation. Electron microscopy showed that in this area of the rat brain substance P-immunoreactive elements are largely associated with dendrites and establish asymmetrical axo-dendritic synapses. Substance P-immunoreactive terminals synapsing with presynaptic dendrites were also observed (i.e. dendrites that themselves are presynaptic to other dendrites). The origin of substance P-containing fibres in the prevertebral ganglia has been investigated in the guinea-pig by combining surgical procedures and immunohistochemistry. Only procedures which disconnected dorsal root ganglia from prevertebral ganglia depleted substance P immunofluorescence in the latter. This substance P-immunoreactive material disappeared after administration of capsaicin. Electron microscopic studies in prevertebral ganglia show that substance P-immunoreactive varicosities establish axodendritic contacts with the sympathetic neurons. These observations provide strong evidence for direct synaptic sensory-autonomic interactions in the prevertebral ganglia involving substance P-containing collaterals of peripheral sensory nerve fibres.