Functional analysis of the shoulder girdle of cats during locomotion

The movements of the shoulder girdle of eight adult cats during overground stepping were studied, using standard slow motion cinematographic techniques. The patterns of activity of shoulder muscles were examined, using simultaneous intramuscular electromyography. Walking, trotting and galloping steps were analyzed from digitized single motion picture frame images. Angular movements of the shoulder girdle consist of biphasic flexion and extension of the shoulder joint and a monophasic flexion-extension alternation of the scapula on the thorax during each step cycle. In addition, the center of the scapula moves craniad during the swing phase and caudad during the stance phase with respect to a fixed reference point on the animal. Similar vertical movements of the center of the scapula also occur in each step cycle. Results of EMG studies of the 17 muscles capable of acting on the shoulder girdle indicate that three overall patterns of activity are found: (1) a pattern typical of extensor muscles, active during all the extension epochs; (2) a pattern typical of flexor muscles, active during the flexion epoch; and (3) a biphasic pattern of activity, active twice in each step. These data are used, along with a re-examination of previous models of the mechanics of the shoulder girdle of carnivores to examine the function and mechanics of shoulder motion. It is concluded that the rotary and translatory movements of the shoulder girdle during stepping combine to enhance step length.