Polymer translocation through a nanopore. II. Excluded volume effect

Following our previous study of a Gaussian chain translocation, we have investigated the transport of a self-avoiding chain from one sphere to another sphere through a narrow pore, using the self-consistent field theory formalism. The free energy landscape for polymer translocation is significantly modified by excluded volume interactions among monomers. The free energy barrier for the placement of one of the chain ends at the pore depends on the chain length N nonmonotonically, in contrast to the N-independence for Gaussian chains. This results in a nonmonotonic dependence of the average arrival time 〈τ 0 〉 on N for self-avoiding chains. When the polymer chain is partitioned between the donor and recipient spheres, a local free energy minimum develops, depending on the strength w of the excluded volume interaction and the relative sizes of the donor and recipient spheres. If the sizes of spheres are comparable, the average translocation time 〈τ〉 (the average time taken by the polymer, after the arrival at the pore, to convert from the donor to the recipient) increases with an increase in w for a fixed N value. On the other hand, for the highly asymmetric sizes of the donor and recipient spheres, 〈τ〉 decreases with an increase in w. As in the case of Gaussian chains, 〈τ〉 depends nonmonotonically on the pore length.

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