Polyphase generation of nappe structures in the Dalradian rocks of the southwest Highlands of Scotland

Synopsis: A regional synthesis of the Dalradian structures in the South-west Highlands of Scotland is attempted, based on the conclusion that the Iltay Boundary Slide passes into the Ballachulish Slide as it is traced around the Glen Orchy Antiform and the Stob Bhan Synform. On this framework the primary and secondary folds are traced throughout the South-west Highlands within the constraints imposed by the stratigraphy and structural knowledge. The primary folds associated with the development of the Tay Nappe at a high structural level are themselves affected by secondary folds at a deeper level. These folds define the Glen Orchy Nappe with an amplitude exceeding 25 km, underlying the Tay Nappe. The primary structures are traced through the secondary structures to root at depth within the Moine rocks lying between the Glen Orchy Antiform and the Kinlochleven Antiform. It is concluded that the polyphase development of nappes in the SW Dalradian is essentially a superficial phenomenon.

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