Tergal glands of male and femaleCryptocercus punctulatus scudder (Dictyoptera: Cryptocercidae): Composition, sexual dimorphism, and geographic variation of secretion

Males and females ofCryptocercus punctulatus possess tergal glands, but they differ in position, size, morphology, and secretion chemistry. Compound A (linalyl acetate) is the most abundant of the 21 compounds found only in the secretion of these glands. Compound B, 4,6,8-trimethyl-7,9-undecadien-5-ol, is specific to the tergal secretion of females.C. punctulatus lives only in the United States; its distribution is disjunct. Compound A is found in samples from the eastern population but is absent in samples from the western population. The amount of compound B per gland in samples from the western population is at least twice as high as in the samples from the eastern populations.