Geometric Magnetic Frustration in Ba2Sn2Ga3ZnCr7O22: A Two-Dimensional Spinel Based Kagomé Lattice

The properties of a two-dimensional geometrically frustrated magnetic material based on the Kagomé net, Ba2Sn2ZnGa3Cr7O22, are reported. The Kagomé net is fully filled with magnetic ions. A Curie-Weiss theta θW=312K is found with a spin glass transition at approximately 1.5 K, indicating strong geometrical magnetic frustration. This compound is the most two dimensional of a structural series with the geometrically frustrated materials ZnCr2O4 and SrCr8Ga4O19. The comparison of their properties tests the influence of different degrees of coupling between Kagomé layers on magnetic frustration within a single chemical and structural family.