A number of reports on snow insects have been made by entomologists although many of them are brief and fragmentary. Brauer (1871) long ago considered the problem which winter represents for insect life and stated that Boreus (Mecoptera: Boreidae) and Chionea (Diptera: Tipulidae) and several members of the Collembola were true snow insects. Frey (1913) collected many insects from the surface of snow and listed representatives of the above mentioned groups from Finland, as mlell as a large number of insects whose presence on the snow was apparently accidental. Marchand (1917) made some interesting observations on the bchaviour of Chionea and its temperature tolerance and referred to several earlier papers on this genus. Handschin (1919a) carried out an extended study of the snow zone fauna of the high Alps and took many specimens on the snow or on glaciers. However, he did not list Boreus and his Diptera had not been identified when he made his report. Collembola were dealt with in another publication (1919b).

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