Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura ITP

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura ITP is characterized by early platelet destruction due to an unbalanced immune response. In acute ITP, a transient increase of HLA‐DR molecules has been detected while in individuals with chronic ITP, in addition, increased serum concentrations of IL‐2 and other cytokines reflecting in vivo T‐cell activation have been observed. Clinically, the hemorrhagic manifestation of ITP rather than the platelet count should define the indication for active intervention. In a staging system a patient with stage III has bleeding signs and platelet counts below 10 or 20 times 109/L and needs treatment, a patient with stage II should be treated on an individual level (prevention of bleeding) and a patient with stage I (no bleeding, platelet count above 50 times 109/L) should be observed only.