Computed tomography of the carotid space and related cervical spaces. Part II: Neurogenic tumors.

Neurogenic tumors (14) of the [human] neck were examined with computed tomography (CT) and, in 10 cases, angiography. Schwannomas and paragangliomas occurred in the carotid space. These tumors could be distinguished on CT from those occurring more anteriorly, in relation to the parapharyngeal space, and more posteriorly, in relation to the paraspinal space. Schwannomas were heterogeneously hypodense before contrast enhancement and at least partially hyperdense after contrast enhancement, with displacement of adjacent vessels on CT, and, if they were of vagal origin, anteromedial displacement of the internal carotid artery on angiography. Paragangliomas usually were homogeneously hyperdense after contrast enhancement, with incorporation of adjacent vessels on CT, and, if they were of carotid body origin, lateral displacement of the internal carotid artery on angiography.