Control of nitrate leaching from a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone using paper mill waste

The effects on nitrate leaching of incorporation of paper mill waste at three cultivation depths in fields previously cropped to iceberg lettuce and calabrese are reported. In the lettuce experiment, incorporation of 40 t DM paper mill waste/ha resulted in a decrease in N leaching (measured with suction cups) from 177 to 94 kg/ha (S.E.d= 23). Deep ploughing with and without paper waste increased N leaching from 105 kg/ha (normal ploughing or surface incorporation) to 172 kg/ha (S. E. d= 27). Measurements of nitrate leaching using deep soil cores showed a less clear cut effect. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were very high immediately after paper waste was ploughed in to a depth of 35 cm. Non–significant increases in biomass N content were measured in the spring following paper waste application. There was no significant reduction in plant N uptake in subsequent crops. Removal of above–ground crop residues did not have a significant effect on nitrate leaching or N2O losses. In the calabrese experiment, application of 40 t DM paper mill waste/ha followed by summer cropping with iceberg lettuce caused a decrease in N leaching (measured using deep soil cores) from 227 to 152 kg/ha (S. E.d= 22, mean of all cultivation treatments).