The use of proteolytic enzymes to digest cooked meat impacted in the esophagus is a distinct aid in treatment of such a condition. Crystalline trypsin (Tryptar) was used advantageously in a case reported previously.3The results of a series of experiments to determine the comparative rate of digestion of cooked meat by trysin, Caroid (papain), and proteinase A, with isotonic saline as a control, were also noted. Caroid produced the best result in vitro. The Caroid was not sterile, however, for a Gram-positive micrococcus was isolated from it by culture. For in vivo use, crystalline trypsin was recommended since it was sterile, the solution could be made easily, and the mixture could be given readily. Papain is the dried, powdered, and whole latex of the green fruit of Papaya carica.1-4Caroid is one of the commercial names for papain. Two highly purified enzymes, crystalline papain and crystalline chymopapain