Phloem Water Relations and Translocation

Satisfactory measurements of phloem water potential of trees can be obtained with the Richards and Ogata psychrometer and the vapor equilibration techniques, although corrections for loss of dry weight and for heating by respiration are required for the vapor equilibrium values. The psychrometer technique is the more satisfactory of the 2 because it requires less time for equilibration, tissue, and handling of tissue, Phloem water potential of a yellow poplar tree followed a diurnal pattern quite similar to that of leaves, except that the values were higher (less negative) and changed less than in the leaves. The psychrometer technique permits a different approach to the study of translocation in trees. Measurements of water potential of phloem discs followed by freezing of samples and determination of osmotic potential allows estimation of turgor pressure in various parts of trees as the difference between osmotic potential and total water potential. This technique was used in evaluating gradients in water potential, osmotic potential, and turgor pressure in red maple trees. The expected gradients in osmotic potential were observed in the phloem, osmotic potential of the cell sap increasing (sap becoming more dilute) down the trunk. However, values of water potential were such that a gradient in turgor pressure apparently did not exist at a time when rate of translocation was expected to be high. These results do not support the mass flow theory of translocation favored by many workers.