A Chandra Study of Sgr A East: A Supernova Remnant Regulating The Activity Of Our Galactic Center?

We report on the X-ray emission from the shell-like, non-thermal radio source Sgr A East located in the inner few parsecs of the Galaxy based on observations made with the ACIS detector on board Chandra. This is the first time Sgr A East has been clearly resolved from other complex structures in the region. The X-ray emitting region is concentrated within the central $\simeq 2$ pc of the larger radio shell. The spectrum shows strong K$\alpha$ lines from highly ionized ions of S, Ar, Ca, and Fe. A simple isothermal plasma model gives electron temperature $\sim 2$ keV, absorption column $\sim 1 \times 10^{23}$ H/cm^2, luminosity $\sim 8 \times 10^{34}$ ergs/s in the 2--10 keV band, and gas mass $\sim 2\eta^{1/2}$ M$_{\odot}$ with a filling factor $\eta$. The plasma appears to be rich in heavy elements, over-abundant by roughly a factor of four with respect to solar abundances, and shows a spatial gradient of elemental abundance: the spatial distribution of iron is more compact than that of the lighter elements. The gas mass and elemental abundance of the X-ray emission support the long-standing hypothesis that Sgr A East is a supernova remnant (SNR), maybe produced by the Type II supernova explosion of a massive star with a main-sequence mass of 13--20 M$_\odot$. The combination of the radio and X-ray morphologies classifies Sgr A East as a new metal-rich ``mixed morphology'' (MM) SNR. The size of the Sgr A East radio shell is the smallest of the known MM SNRs, which strongly suggests that the ejecta have expanded into a very dense interstellar medium. The ejecta-dominated chemical compositions of the plasma indicate that the ambient materials should be highly homogeneous. The relation between Sgr A East and the massive blackhole Sgr A* is discussed.

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