XMM-Newtonobservations of ULIRGs: A Compton-thick AGN in IRAS 19254–7245

We present the XMM-Newton observation of the merging system IRAS 19254-7245, also known as The Superantennae, whose southern nucleus is classified as a Seyfert 2 galaxy. The XMM- Newton data have allowed us to perform a detailed X-ray imaging and spectral analysis of this system. We clearly detect, for the first time in this system, a strong ( keV) Fe emission line at keV (rest-frame). The X-ray spectrum requires a soft thermal component ( keV; erg s-1), likely associated with the starburst, and a hard power-law continuum above 2 keV (observed erg s-1 ). We confirm the flatness of this latter component, already noted in previous ASCA data. This flatness, together with the detection of the strong Fe-Kα line and other broad band indicators, suggest the presence of a Compton-thick AGN with intrinsic luminosity ≳1044 erg s-1. We show that a Compton-thick model can perfectly reproduce the X-ray spectral properties of this object.
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