The metabolism of [Me−14C]choline in the brain of the rat in vivo

[Me-(14)C]Choline was injected intracerebrally into the adult rat, and its uptake into the lipids and their water-soluble precursors in brain was studied. The radioactivity could be detected only in the choline-containing lipids and was confined to the base choline. The results indicated that initial phosphorylation of the free choline followed by the formation of CDP-choline and the subsequent transfer of the phosphorylcholine to a diglyceride is one of the principal routes by which choline lipids in brain are formed. Further evidence for this was obtained in experiments in which either phosphoryl[Me-(14)C]choline or [(32)P]orthophosphate was injected and the radioactivity in the choline-containing water-soluble and lipidbound components studied.