Life Histories of Cricotopus (Cricotopus) bicinctus and C. (C.) mackenziensis (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the Fort Simpson Area, Northwest Territories

C. (C.) bicinctus (Meigen) and C. (C.) mackenziensis Oliver emerge from June to Sept. in the Fort Simpson area, Northwest Territories [Canada]. C. bicinctus begins and ends emerging later than C. mackenziensis, C. bicinctus apparently produces a mixture of 2 and 3 generations/yr, whereas C. mackenziensis apparently produces 3 generations/yr. Both species overwinter mainly in the 2nd instar. Emergence data from other studies, when reevaluated, appear to underestimate the number of generations produced by C. bicinctus, indicating a similar number of generations as in the Fort Simpson area.