Some Clinical and Metabolic Aspects of Propranolol in Chronic Schizophrenia

Summary: No benefit attributable to propranolol (1000 mg/day) could be detected in a trial lasting at least 22 weeks, 6 weeks of which was double-blind placebo-controlled, in 5 chronic schizophrenic patients. The mean propranolol CSF/plasma ratio was 0.08, and there was good agreement between CSF and free plasma propranolol levels. Basal plasma prolactin was slightly but insignificantly reduced by propranolol, and metoclopramide-stimulated prolactin release was unaffected. Propranolol was associated with a significant temporary increase in HVA, a non-significant rise in 5-HIAA and a significant decrease in MHPG, in the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid of 4 patients.