Renal Venous Thrombosis of the Newborn and its Relation to Maternal Diabetes

This is a report of renal venous thrombosis in 6 stillborn and 10 newborn infants from autopsy files. In one child the diagnosis was made during life but following nephrectomy the thrombosis spread to the other kidney. In all but one case the evidence favors the prenatal onset of the thrombotic process. In five instances maternal diabetes was present, in seven others the likelihood of clinically unrecognized prediabetes is presented. The authors put forth a tentative hypothesis to account for the association with naternal diabetes in that they assume renal hemo-concentration incident to glycosuria. It is pointed out that renal vein thrombosis often occurs in the absence of gross pathologic lesions of the kidney. It is therefore a microscopic diagnosis, at least in the preinatal period.