We explore the application of approximation schemes from many body physics, including the Hartree-Fock method and random phase approximation (RPA), to the problem of analyzing the low energy excitations of a polymer chain made up of bosonic string bits. We accordingly obtain an expression for the rest tension T0 of the bosonic relativistic string in terms of the parameters characterizing the microscopic string bit dynamics. We first derive an exact connection between the string tension and a certain correlation function of the many-body string bit system. This connection is made for an arbitrary interaction potential between string bits and relies on an exact dipole sum rule. We then review an earlier calculation by Goldstone of the low energy excitations of a polymer chain using the RPA. We assess the accuracy of the RPA by calculating the first-order corrections. For this purpose we specialize to the unique scale-invariant potential, namely, an attractive δ-function potential in two (transverse) dimensions. We find that the corrections are large, and discuss a method for summing the large terms. The corrections to this improved RPA are roughly 15%.