Polymorphism of transferrin in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.): Genetic determination, isolation, and partial characterization

Seven transferrin variants (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) have been found in carp sera (Cyprinus carpio L.). Genetic analysis involves five variants and agrees with the hypothesis of simple codominant autosomal inheritance at one transferrin (Tf) locus in spite of the fact that the carp is a tetraploid in relation to other species of the same family. Carp populations from three regions were studied which differed in gene frequencies. Individual populations were in Hardy—Weinberg equilibrium. The polymorphism of carp transferrins can be used for the identification of offspring of single parent pairs, stocked in one pond. Transferrins have been isolated and characterized. Homozygous phenotypes comprised four iron-binding components differing in electrophoretic mobility. This heterogeneity is not caused by sialic acid, which is absent. Amino acid composition, content of hexoses (1 mole/mole of protein) and hexosamines (1 mole/mole of protein), molecular weight (70,000), and the isoelectric point (5.0) have been determined. No N-terminal amino acid could be detected.