Measurement of the Surface Prickle of Fabrics Part II: Some Effects of Finishing on Fabric Prickle

An investigation is reported in which changes in fabric-surface prickle during the successive stages of fabric-finishing routines were determined for three fabrics, both subjectively by a panel of judges and objectively by using an audio-pick-up apparatus with a modified stylus. For a predominantly 22-μm merino-wool fabric surface, both subjective and objective methods found prickle to be very low from loomstate to finished fabric. For two fabric surfaces containing 35-μm wool fibres, the decreases or increases in prickle due to successive finishing processes were appreciable and are discussed. Correlation coefficients of 0.93 and 0.56 were obtained between the subjective and objective indicators of prickle for these two fabrics. It is concluded from Part I of this series and the present paper that the modified audio apparatus provides useful information relating to fabric-surface prickle and could form the basis of an objective test for prickle.

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