The chaperone connection to the origins of the eukaryotic organelles

The heat‐shock 60 proteins (Hsp60) constitute a subset of molecular chaperones essential for the survival of the cell, present in eubacteria as well as in eukaryotic organelles. Here, we have employed these highly conserved proteins for the inferences of the origins of the organelles. Hsp60s present in mitochondria from different eukaryotic lineages formed a clade, which showed the closest relationship to that of the Ehrlichia/Rickettsia cluster among the α‐Proteobacteria. This, in addition to phenotypic characteristics, suggests that these obligate intracellular parasites and the lineage that generated the mitochondrion shared last common ancestry. In turn, Hsp60s present in chloroplasts from plants and a red alga, respectively, clustered specifically with those of the cyanobacteria, suggesting that all plastids derive exclusively from this eubacterial lineage.