Strange-Particle Production by 3-BeV/cπMesons in Hydrogen

Over 600 strange-particle events were identified on the basis of both kinematical fitting and bubble-density information. The center-of-mass angular distributions generally show the familiar backward tendency for the baryons and forward tendency for the K mesons. Invariant mass distributions show the production of several resonant states including the Y1*(1385 MeV), K*(885 MeV), and Y0*(1405 MeV). The two-body reactions π+pK*+Y1* and π+pK*+Y0* are also reported and studied. The two-, three-, and four-particle reactions are discussed and an attempt is made to put limits on the SU3 multiplet of the f0 from the number of K10K10 events with a mass near the f0. The cross sections are calculated and the total strange-particle cross section at this energy is estimated to be σ=(1.68±0.20) mb.