Influence of white light on production of aflatoxins and anthraquinones in Aspergillus parasiticus

The effect of continuous light and continuous darkness on the growth of Aspergillus parasiticus and on the production of aflatoxin, averufin, versicolorin A, and versicolorin C by Aspergillus parasiticus were determined at six different temperatures with six replicates for each experiment. No growth was observed at 15 degrees C in the light, although slight growth was observed at this temperature in the dark. No aflatoxins or anthraquinones were produced in the light or dark at 35 and 40 degrees C, although growth was good at these temperatures. Differences in aflatoxins and anthraquinones for cultures grown in light and in dark were consistent at each temperature. Higher mean quantities of these secondary metabolites were produced in the light at 20 and 25 degrees C; lower mean quantities were produced in the light at 30 degrees C. The ranges of values overlapped considerably, but in all cases the differences between temperatures were significant.