Relationship between Generation and Plasma Concentration of Anorganic Phosphorus. in Vivo Studies on Dialysis Patients and in Vitro Studies on Erythrocytes

The plasma concentration of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) was determined before, during and after hemodialysis in 28 patients with chronic renal failure. Pi plasma concentration decreased rapidly when hemodialysis was started but did not fall below normal levels during continued dialysis. These changes of Pi concentration were fitted to a model of Pi kinetics in which Pi delivery to plasma is a nonlinear function of the extracellular Pi concentration. In separate in vitro studies, erythrocytes from six subjects with normal renal function and from 14 patients with chronic renal failure were incubated in homologous plasma with various amounts of Pi added. All other factors known to affect the Pi shift between intra - and extracellular fluid compartments (pH, calcium concentration) were kept constant. The relation between Pi concentration in plasma used for incubation and in red cells after 1h incubation suggested a mechanism in which a high plasma concentration results in movement of Pi into red cells where Pi is stored most probably in glucose esters. At low Pi plasma concentration Pi is delivered to plasma at a rate which cannot be explained solely by passive movement of intracellular Pi to plasma but requires additional generation from intracellular storage forms. The generation and delivery of Pi in patients and in their erythrocytes indicate a simple cell-mediated Pi homeostasis counter-acting abnormal fluctuations of plasma Pi.