THE PURPOSE of this paper is to present a study of 12 cases of pancreatic cyst, an uncommon disease frequently difficult or impossible to diagnose during the early stages of its development. Accepted classifications, in general, divide these growths into two main groups: the true cyst, containing pancreatic ferments, and the false or pseudocyst, which has no epithelial lining and usually is located in the lesser peritoneal cavity. This report concerns only cysts of the retention and pseudo types. Symptoms from which a diagnosis can be made are usually absent during the beginning weeks or even months of the disease, and not until the cyst has attained sufficient size to create pressure on the gastrointestinal, biliary, or urinary tracts do suspicious symptoms appear. Epigastric pain radiating to the back or left side was present in 85% of our cases, and a firm smooth round tumor eventually became manifest in the

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