Making Connections: An Agenda for the Future

As the 21st century approaches, solutions to societal, political, and economic problems have not kept pace with medicine and technology. It has become increasingly clear that the profession of health and physical education can be a major contributor to the future of society through education and prevention. Even small changes in the development of positive, healthful lifestyles can result in savings in the trillions. The impact of physical education on wellness programs, development of self-esteem, and values orientation in combating crime and drug abuse is evident from the literature. Nevertheless, physical education and its leadership must reevaluate its mission and status—including teacher preparation, the role of the subdisciplines, multidisciplinary teams, and coalition of health agencies and physical education—as part of the total education of the child as new directions for the future. Physical education professionals must recognize that health and physical education is truly at the center of education.