Wavelet representations of stochastic processes and multiresolution stochastic models

Deterministic signal analysis in a multiresolution framework through the use of wavelets has been extensively studied very successfully in recent years. In the context of stochastic processes, the use of wavelet bases has not yet been fully investigated. We use compactly supported wavelets to obtain multiresolution representations of stochastic processes with paths in L2 defined in the time domain. We derive the correlation structure of the discrete wavelet coefficients of a stochastic process and give new results on how and when to obtain strong decay in correlation along time as well as across scales. We study the relation between the wavelet representation of a stochastic process and multiresolution stochastic models on trees proposed by Basseville et al. (see IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol.38, p.766-784, Mar. 1992). We propose multiresolution stochastic models of the discrete wavelet coefficients as approximations to the original time process. These models are simple due to the strong decorrelation of the wavelet transform. Experiments show that these models significantly improve the approximation in comparison with the often used assumption that the wavelet coefficients are completely uncorrelated

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