Planning for Organizational Intervention: The Importance of Existing Socio-Psychological Situations in Organizational Diagnosis

The appropriateness of organizational-change-and-development inter ventions is a function of (a) change-agent orientation, (b) existing organi zational conditions, and (c) employees' perceived ideal organizational conditions. Research evidence on organizational change and develop ment is used to support points "a" and "b." It is argued that perceived ideal organizational conditions are important to change agents because this information provides an indication of organizational members' pref erences. Because the success of organization development depends on employee participation and acceptance, ascertaining the ideal should be of benefit in organizational diagnosis. Data obtained from two different samples indicate that perceptions of the ideal are related to perceptions of existing conditions. Arguments for using the ideal in conjunction with existing organizational conditions are made. In some instances this in formation may suggest coordinating different interventions within an overall OD program in order to achieve the desired objectives.