Temperature dependence of positron annihilation in tin

The Doppler broadening of the positron annihilation line in tin has been studied as a function of temperature in the range 295-640 K. The line shape was measured with an intrinsic germanium spectrometer and was analyzed in terms of a parameter S which measures the peak-to-area ratio. A slow linear rise of S with temperature T, S=0.511(1+32×106T) was observed up to T=420±10 K followed by a steeper rise at higher temperatures. If this steeper rise is attributed to the onset of thermal vacancy effects, the monovacancy formation enthalpy H1vF can be calculated using the semiempirical relationship H1vF=14kBTt where kB is the Boltzmann constant and Tt the threshold temperature for the appearance of thermal vacancies. A value H1vF=0.51±0.01 eV is obtained. At the melting point, S is found to increase abruptly and remain essentially constant thereafter. Cyclings of the sample temperature around the melting point revealed a large hysteresis effect, which is attributed to supercooling.