Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics analysis of Drexler-Merkle gears and neon pump

Over the past two years at the Materials and Process Simulation Center, we have been developing simulation approaches for studying the molecular nanomachine designs pioneered by Drexler and Merkle. These nanomachine designs, such as planetary gears and neon pump, are described with atomistic details and involve up to 10 000 atoms. With the Dreiding and universal force fields, we have optimized the structures of the two planetary gear designs and the neon pump. At the Fourth Foresight conference, we reported rotational impulse dynamics studies of the first and second generation designs of planetary gears undergoing very high-frequency rotational motions. We will explore stability of these designs in the lower frequency regimes which require long time simulations. We will report the molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations performed on these model systems. We explore the following modes in these studies: (1) impulse mode; (2) constant angular velocity - perpetual rotation; (3) constant torque - acceleration from rest.

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