Cassie's statistical treatment of multimolecular adsorption on a free surface, leading to the BET equation, is criticized and corrected. The method is generalized to include adsorption when the maximum number of layers of adsorbate is restricted. The isotherm equation obtained is the same as that found by Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller for this case, rather than the equation proposed by Pickett. The BET equation, though not completely satisfactory, is apparently the correct equation for the particular model used. Real improvements in the theory should follow from refinements in the model rather than from modifications in the treatment of the BET model. A more refined model is proposed and the general method of using it is discussed. The BET model is shown to be a crude special case of the model suggested here, but it has the advantage of presenting no mathematical difficulties. Preliminary results, based on improved models, indicate that a somewhat refined multimolecular adsorption theory is capable of predicting capillary condensation for suitable values of parameters, thus suggesting that the ideas of multimolecular adsorption and capillary condensation are not really in conflict, as is generally assumed. Further discussion is deferred to a subsequent paper.

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