Electronic structure and properties of quasi-two-dimensional layered superconducting perovskites:La2xMxCuO4(M=Ba,Sr, )

Results of highly precise all-electron local-density calculations are presented for the quasi-two-dimensional superconductors La2xMxCuOx (M=Ba,Sr, ) with x=0 and correlated with a number of observed properties of these materials for varying x. The dominant role of the van Hove saddle-point singularity (SPS) on the density of states (DOS) and the DOS-derived properties (specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, Tc) is emphasized—as is the fact that this SPS represents the classic Lifshitz transition versus x (and/or pressure) with its possible thermodynamic and galvanomagnetic anomalies. Estimates of the enhancement factor λ from a variety of measured specific-heat values and our calculated DOS indicate that these materials may possibly be weak-coupling superconductors. Crude estimates of coherent lengths (ξ and ξ) and upper critical fields (Hc2 and Hc2) are presented.