M2Transitions in Nuclei

A survey of experimental data about M2 transitions between low-lying nuclear states shows that the great majority of transitions in nuclei with A>30 is severely inhibited. For heavy nuclei with a permanent deformation, the inhibition can be ascribed either to K forbiddenness or to an asymptotic selection rule. Even when a permanent deformation is not present, the effect of this selection rule may persist, and it can lead to M2 transitions whose lifetimes are several hundred times the single-particle estimate. In light nuclei, some transitions are inhibited by an isobaric-spin effect. Theroetical values are obtained for comparison with some recently measured M2 lifetimes in the region around A=40. Both quadrupole deformation and the isobaric-spin effect can contribute to inhibitions in this region. The isobaric-spin effect is sufficient to account for the lifetimes in K39 and Ca41. For nuclei further removed from Ca40, the effect of deformation is also necessary. In some simple examples we show that such a trend results from the nature of the particle-hole interaction.