The Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal

Abrupt cessation of regular use of alcohol in a dependent person causes a withdrawal syndrome that may range from mild to extremely severe. Most patients require pharmacologic intervention, especially those with severe symptoms. Historically, the pharmacotherapy of alcohol withdrawal has involved a wide variety of agents. Benzodiazepines are currently preferred due to their consistently high degree of efficacy and laudable record of safety. In addition, ß blockers and clonidine are useful, as both effectively combat the hypertension and tachycardia commonly associated with withdrawal. They are ineffective as anticonvulsants; however. Opinions differ concerning the best treatment for withdrawal seizures. Prophylaxis with benzodiazepines may be all that is required, although some authors advocate the use of phenytoin for 5 days, especially in persons with a history of prior seizures during alcohol withdrawal. Once established, delirium tremens are difficult to treat. Benzodiazepines are most commonly used to provide sedation, and extremely large doses may be required. Careful clinical assessment is essential to the proper treatment of patients undergoing alcohol withdrawal since the coexistence of medical problems may complicate the condition.