In a sample of 54 women who have participated in a longitudinal study since birth there is a significant relationship between adolescent menstrual characteristics and gynaecological health as measured by GYNDEX (Gardner 1982) in the second and third decades postmenarche. The menstrual characteristics were recorded in health histories taken in the 1940s as part of a yearly evaluation of growth, development and health status. Using stepwise multiple regression analysis, the measures of regularity and dysmenorrhoea in adolescence explain 46% of the variation in GYNDEX from 11 to 20 years postmenarche (PPPPPP<0,005). Le risque d'avoir une santé gynécologique médiocre (un haut GYNDEX) est fort augmenté chez les femmes présentant à la fois de la dysménorrhée et de l'irrégularité durant les quelques premières années après la ménarche.

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