Verrucous Carcinoma of the Vagina

Ramzy, Ibrahim, Smout, Marvin S., and Collins, John A.: Verrucous carcinoma of the vagina. Verrucous carcinoma of the vagina is a highly differentiated and rare variety of squamouscell carcinoma. Two new cases are presented; a search for the literature revealed three other cases. This neoplasm is characterized by a warty verrucous pattern of growth of squamous epithelium. Histologically, this type of squamous-cell carcinoma is extremely well-differentiated, with minimal evidence of anaplasia of the cells. The neoplasm tends to grow slowly and to infiltrate, sometimes extensively, by pushing rather than by permeating the surrounding tissues. Surgical excision seems to provide the best cure at the present time as the tumor does not respond to irradiation or to podophyllin treatment. Lymph-node dissection is not usually necessary in view of the tendency of the tumor to spread locally rather than to metastasize. However, the value of resection of lymph nodes should be reassessed after enough cases have accumulated.