Some Energy Levels inP30Observed in Radiative Capture bySi29of Protons with Energies from 1420 to 2160 keV

The excitation function for the Si29(p,γ)P30 reaction has been experimentally determined in the proton energy range from 1420 through 2160 keV. Unreported resonances in this reaction have been identified at 1975, 2033, 2075, and 2117 keV with estimated errors of ±4 keV, corresponding to energy levels in P30 at 7.49, 7.55, 7.59, and 7.63 MeV. Gamma spectra at these resonances are obscured by contaminant radiation but suggest complex decay schemes. Double angular-correlation measurements have been made at the 1470-keV resonance indicating a resonance-level spin of 2+, or less probably, 2-. The level at 4.50 MeV in P30 is shown to probably have a spin of 2+ or, less probably, 3+; these spin values are in disagreement with the 0+ that has been predicted for this level.