Energy Dependence of (p, p′γ) Correlations inTi48

Absolute double-differential cross sections have been measured at ten bombarding energies from 4-6 MeV for the reaction Ti48(p, pγ)0.99 MeV. The angular correlations were measured with the γ-ray detector moving in a plane perpendicular to the reaction plane. Comparisons are made between the measured cross sections and the predictions of the statistical compound-nucleus theory. At all bombarding energies, angular correlations were measured at two supplementary (c.m.) proton-detector angles in order to check the symmetries predicted by statistical theory. Attempts are made to ascribe deviations of the experimental correlations from statistical-model predictions to the presence of direct reactions. The angular dependence of the spin-flip cross section was measured at three bombarding energies: 5.16, 5.25, and 5.46 MeV. In addition, the energy dependence of the spin-flip cross section was measured at a laboratory proton-detector angle of 131°. For that geometry wherein the proton detector is in the backward quadrant, agreement between the measured correlations and statistical-model predictions is very good.