Is Dissection of Level IV Necessary in Patients With T1‐T3 N0 Tongue Cancer?

Objective Dissection of the lower jugular level of lymph nodes (level IV), as part of an elective neck dissection, has been advocated recently for all patients with oral tongue cancer because of the possibility of “skip metastases” to levels III and IV. The current study was undertaken to evaluate the need to perform a dissection of level IV in patients with oral tongue cancer with no clinical evidence of nodal metastases.Methods Fifty‐one patients with T1‐3, N0 squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue were treated with a partial glossectomy and a selective neck dissection of levels I, II, and III. When enlarged nodes were encountered during surgery in level II or III, the dissection was extended to include the nodes in level IV. Involvement of level IV was determined either by the presence of carcinoma on pathological examination or by the development of recurrence in the untreated level IV during a follow‐up period of at least 2 years.Results Level IV was resected as part of the specimen in 17 of the 51 patients and metastatic tumor was found in this level in only one patient. At an average follow‐up of 4.1 years, only one patient recurred at level IV, which had been addressed at the initial neck dissection. Consequently, the rate of metastases to undissected level IV was 2%.Conclusions Metastases to level IV lymph nodes is rare in patients with T1‐T3, N0 oral tongue cancer. Dissection of these nodes only when there is intraoperative suspicion of metastases in levels II or III does not increase the risk or recurrence of tumor in the neck.