Establishment of an HPA‐1‐ to ‐16‐typed platelet donor registry in China

Summary In order to determine gene frequencies of human platelet antigen (HPA) and establish a panel of accredited HPA-1a, -2a, -4a, -5a and -6a-negative donors as well as an HPA-typed platelet donor registry, a total of 1000 Chinese donors of Han nationality (500 from north China and 500 from south China) were typed for HPA-1 through -16 using a DNA-based polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers genotyping method. The gene frequencies of HPA-1b, -2b, -3b, -4b, -5b, -6bw, -10bw and -15b were 0·0060, 0·0485, 0·4055, 0·0045, 0·0140, 0·0135, 0·0005 and 0·4680, respectively. The HPA-7bw, -8bw, -9bw, -11bw, -12bw, -13bw, -14bw and -16bw alleles were not found. The HPA-2b and -5b homozygous donors were detected at low frequencies. The HPA mismatch probabilities potentially leading to alloimmunization in random platelet transfusion vary with a region from 0·1% to 37% depending on the distribution patterns of common and less common alleles in each system. This study provides a useful HPA-typed plateletpheresis donor registry in China and could improve platelet antibody detection and HPA-matched platelet transfusion in alloimmune thrombocytopenic patients.