Isolation of a simian immunodeficiency virus related to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 from a west African pet sooty mangabey

Two of 25 healthy pet sooty mangabey (SM) monkeys (Cercocebus atys) living in West Africa were seropositive by immunoblot when surveyed for antibody to simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques (SIVmac). SIVsmLIB1 was isolated from one of the pet sooty mangabeys. Nucleotide sequence data showed that this isolate is a member of the SIVsm/human immunodeficiecy virus type 2 (HIV-2)/SIVmac group of primate lentiviruses. Furthermore, sequence comparisons revealed extensive genetic diversity among SIVsm isolates similar to that observed previously in SIV isolates from naturally infected African green monkeys. These observations provide additional evidence for monkey-human cross-species transmission of SIVsm as the source of HIV-2 infection of human.