Phonon-Assisted Electroabsorption

Recently several experiments have been reported on electroabsorption spectra in indirect-bandgap materials. These observations refer essentially to the change in absorption produced by an applied electric field E in the material under study. The particular photon-energy region explored has been that where phonon-assisted interband absorption obtains. Usually, considerable structure appears in the experimental curves. The absorption change Δα varies quite radically with photon energy both in amplitude and in sign. All theories extant on the phenomenon of electroabsorption are concerned with direct-bandgap transitions. In the light of recent experimental results, however, in the neighborhood of indirect transitions, it is appropriate to calculate the electroabsorption spectrum for phonon-assisted processes in order to have a more applicable theoretical model with which to compare experimental results. The present paper reports just such a calculation. A formula for Δα is presented in the case of phonon-assisted interband absorption.