The pleuropulmonary manifestations of tularemia have never been the subject of a detailed clinical report, although they are now regarded as a part of the disease.1 This report is based on an analysis of the clinical evidence of pleuropulmonary involvement discovered in thirty-five cases in which the diagnosis of tularemia was made either by an agglutination test or by the recovery of the organism. Data relative to the individual tularemic infections are listed in table 1. The respiratory symptoms, physical signs and roentgenologic diagnoses of the thirty-five cases are presented in table 2. Both clinical and roentgenologic evidences of intrathoracic disease were found in seventeen patients and roentgenologic evidence alone was present in fifteen. Chest films in thirty-two of thirty-four patients were abnormal and roentgenologic changes in these films are the subject of a separate report.2 This presentation deals primarily with the seventeen patients in whom clinical indications

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