Nuclear Levels inTh233Excited by Neutron Capture and (d, p) Reactions

Low-energy γ rays of the reaction Th232(n, γ)Th233 have been measured with the Risö bentcrystal spectrometer and with a Ge(Li) spectrometer at Munich. High-energy neutron-capture γ rays from four low-energy neutron resonances have been investigated at the fastchopper facility at Brookhaven. Data on the reaction Th232(d, p)Th233 were taken with an Enge split-pole magnetic spectrograph at the tandem Van de Graaff accelerator at Argonne. The combination of these data resulted in a level scheme of Th233. Seven Nilsson configurations have been assigned to rotational bands, two of them tentatively. Spectroscopic factors have been calculated with ε4 deformation and Coriolis mixing, and compared with the experiment. The neutron binding energy in Th233 has been determined to be 4786.5±2.0 keV.