Multiple ionization and x-ray line emission resulting from inner-shell electron ionization

We report an application of our previously developed model for determining the probabilities P(αN,NA) of emitting NA Auger electrons and the probabilities P(αN,βNγN) of the radiative transitions βNγN during the cascade decay process following the creation of an arbitrary distribution αN of N vacancies among the nl subshells of an atomic system. Particular emphasis has been given to the effects of single inner-shell vacancies, which may be created by energetic charged-particle collisions or by x-ray photoionization. Results of calculations are presented for single inner-shell electron ionization of iron ions from the neutral atom through the heliumlike ionization state, taking into account all of the Auger, Coster-Kronig, and electric dipole radiative transitions which can occur during the inner-shell vacancy-cascade process. The importance of the multiple ionization which results from Auger electron emission and of the x-ray satellite line radiation which is produced by the radiative decay of multiple-vacancy states is investigated for inner-shell electron ionization by electron collisions and by photon impacts.