Inteninnomino-abdominal amptitations have been performed in twelve cases at the Mayo Clinic. It may be claimed that the procedure is too radical to be used for benign tumors. However, it has been found repeatedly that osteochondromata and chondromata frequently, if not invariably, recur after local excision, and eventually spread to the point where neither local nor radical excision is possible. In four patients, all of whom had fibrosarcoma or osteogenic sarcoma of a moderate to high grade of malignancy, this was the only procedure which would remove the lesion and offer any hope, slight as it might be. In Cases 1, 3, and 5, recurrences of the tumor developed which could not be operated upon. One patient is well, three years after the operation. The operations on the remainder of the patients have been too recent for any long-range conclusions to be drawn. All of the patients have had a temporary respite from the pain, which has been a symptom common to nearly all of them.