-The wall temperature at which a premixed methanol/air mixture ignited was determined as a certain measure of ignition delay in a quartz tube around 1000 K as a function of equivalence ratio under several different flow velocities. The kinetic model of methanol combustion proposed by Westbrook and Dryer (1979) was successfully applied for analysing the ignition process. When a small amount of NO2 was added, the temperature decreased appreciably; this was analysed in terms of the above combustion model combined with a series of reactions initiated by the hydrogen atom abstraction from methanol by NO2: CH3OH + NO2→CH2OH + HNO2. The corresponding rate constant was determined as 1011.3±0.3 exp[-22.6(kcaI.mol-1)/RT] cm3 mol-1 s-1 in the temperature range of 900-1100 K.